Mango Pickle 300g

Mango Pickle 300g


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 The Western Ghats’ Kani Tribe

The mango pickle we are exploring today has its origins in the Western Ghats, an area known for its biodiversity and rich cultural heritage. The Kani tribal people, who inhabit this region, have been making this pickle for generations. Their traditional methods and unique blend of spices passed down through the ages, contribute to the distinct flavor and quality of this pickle. The Kani tribe’s mango pickle is not just a food item but a symbol of their rich cultural heritage.

Health Benefits of Mango Pickle

Mango pickle is not only a delicious addition to meals but also offers several health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, mangoes help fight free radicals in the body, aiding in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The spices used in the pickling process, such as turmeric and fenugreek, have anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, the probiotic nature of pickles can promote gut health by fostering the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Including mango pickle in a balanced diet can thus contribute to overall well-being.


Weight0.3 kg


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